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May 15, 2023

If you’ve lost a parent it's normal to feel apprehension and even dread as holidays like Father’s Day approach. That first Father’s Day without your dad can intensify your loss. If dad was a grounding force in your life you can feel untethered and isolated. You’re likely to feel unsure how to navigate a day that’s dedicated to celebrating someone no longer with you.There’s no magic way to make this day easy. But we hope sharing 5 tips on how to survive can help you feel empowered to find your way.


  1. Feel Fully. It’s OK to let yourself fully experience what you are feeling. Feelings of sadness, anger, wanting and pain are normal and expected. Don’t judge yourself or feel like you’re letting anyone down. Give yourself permission to feel the way you do. If you can sit with these feelings, acknowledge them and accept them, then you will have more power to be comfortable with these very human emotions.
  2. Celebrate A Positive Male Role Model. Celebrating another male role model in your life can bring you comfort and help you feel less untethered. Celebrating what someone else has meant to you can bring joy and remind you that love and support still surrounds you.
  3. Focus On Happy Memories. Memories are where your father can continue to live long after his passing. Memories of happier times remind us of the joy and love he had in his life. Memories can also help us process loss. Remembrance can help you refocus on gratitude for the time you had with him in your life. Gratitude is powerful. When you are able to look with gratitude on the wonderful memories of the past and the coming memories of tomorrow with others you love, you can begin to heal.
  4. Spend Time With Others. Spending time with others who loved him can make you feel his presence. Ask others to share their favorite memories or stories of your dad. You may learn new things about your father’s life and gain new memories to hold close. Seeing what he meant to others can help you realize he is not really gone, he also lives in the hearts and minds of all of you.
  5. Distract Yourself. It’s OK to completely skip Father’s Day. When nothing else feels right, plan an activity to distract yourself. Plan something that will help occupy your mind and help you escape the day. Go out of town to explore someplace new, plan an adventure you have never done before, treat yourself to a staycation at a fancy hotel, pamper yourself. So much about Father’s Day can be a sensory overload - places, sounds, smells that trigger memories, and all those social media posts of happy family celebrations. If you are simply not ready to face Father’s Day, escaping somewhere new can help.


Your first Father’s Day without your dad will not be easy. But it can feel empowering and then hopeful when you are able to navigate the day. We hope these suggestions help you find what peace and comfort you can. If you also lost your mom, then you may find our blog How To Survive Mother’s Day insightful. Remember that grief is a personal journey; allow yourself to travel at your own pace.

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